The establishment of TAICCA is to boost the development of cultural and creative industries, and it also achieves the milestone for facilitating Taiwanese cultural energy. To this extent, the website we created is not only user-friendly, but also has a lifting appearance to enhance the supportive role of TAICCA. For instance, during browsing, the motion of the belt on the left-sided represents the steady innovation and progressive image of TAICCA.
TAICCA 的成立,是為了促進臺灣文化與創意產業的發展,在振興臺灣文化力上,它開啟了嶄新的里程碑。 因此,我們建置的網站,不只提供友善的使用者體驗,在瀏覽時,譬如左側織帶的滑動設計,也以拉升的動態,去強 化 TAICCA 它引領產業界的角色,有著穩定追求創新與進步的意象。

Creative Director : Cowper WANG
PM / Planner : Jessi NI
Web Designer : Anzo CHEN
Front-End : John YU
Back-End : 小竹