Oqliq 2021 NYFW SS: Nature's Blessing 風調雨順

Due to the outbreak of COVID-19, New York Fashion Week's runway show has been changed to proceed in on-line format unprecedentedly.
As a representative of Taiwan's independent fashion brand, OqLiq has adopted the local Taiwanese religious beliefs "FENG TIAO YU SHUN" as its theme for Spring/Summer collection 2021. In order to reflect the current situation of the epidemic-stricken society and to echo the design concept of apparel collection, we have created four sets of stages, each representing "wind, rain, growth and peace" - the Four Guardian Kings in Buddhism believing - King of the east and god of music, King of the west and one who sees all, King of the south and one who causes good growth, and Protector of the north.
Move forward in the darkness as well as find the light of hope in the midst of storm. Just like oqLiq's functional clothing design with models on the runway, intertwined in a poetic story on their respective stages. Which is the poetic story we would like to
Moving forward in the darkness, finding the light of hope in the midst of stormy weather. We would like tell a poetic story by sharing how oqLiqg's expertise in functional apparels may intertwine with CG animation, as well as models performance on stage.
The design concept of the whole virtual runway shows echoes the core spirit of Oqliq, implying that even in the seemingly deserted adversity, one can still hold on to hope for a better future. It is also the brand's wish that the bright future is waiting ahead.
As a representative of Taiwan's independent fashion brand, OqLiq has adopted the local Taiwanese religious beliefs "FENG TIAO YU SHUN" as its theme for Spring/Summer collection 2021. In order to reflect the current situation of the epidemic-stricken society and to echo the design concept of apparel collection, we have created four sets of stages, each representing "wind, rain, growth and peace" - the Four Guardian Kings in Buddhism believing - King of the east and god of music, King of the west and one who sees all, King of the south and one who causes good growth, and Protector of the north.
Move forward in the darkness as well as find the light of hope in the midst of storm. Just like oqLiq's functional clothing design with models on the runway, intertwined in a poetic story on their respective stages. Which is the poetic story we would like to
Moving forward in the darkness, finding the light of hope in the midst of stormy weather. We would like tell a poetic story by sharing how oqLiqg's expertise in functional apparels may intertwine with CG animation, as well as models performance on stage.
The design concept of the whole virtual runway shows echoes the core spirit of Oqliq, implying that even in the seemingly deserted adversity, one can still hold on to hope for a better future. It is also the brand's wish that the bright future is waiting ahead.
"FENG TIAO YU SHUN" means "wish the wind and rain come in their time" in Mandarin, and it is the voice of oqLiq for the world after the epidemic. It also represents the brand's blessing and wishes from Taiwanese designers and creators to the world.

▋A film by dosomething studio ▋
藝術總監 E. Art Director : 王宗欣 Cowper Wang
Creative Agency: dosomething studio
導演 Director: 曾忠嶽 Jason M Tseng
製片 Producer: 鄭心愷 Jonathan Cheng
執行製片 Line Producer: 賴亭妤 Tingyu Lai
製片助理 Producer Assistant: 黃勃 Po Huang
攝影師 Director of Photography: 謝宗諭 Zongyu Hsieh
攝大助 1st Assistant Camera: 王士偉 Shi Wei Wang 郭志平 Jhih Ping Guo
攝影二助 2nd Assistant Camera: 陳威德 Wei De Chan 陳韋鈞 Wei Jun Chun
燈光師 Gaffer: 楊景浩 Jing Hao Yang
燈大助 Best boy: 王雋元 Juan Yuan Wang
燈光助理 Electricians: 藍功民 Gong Min Lan 楊朝翔 Chao Xiang Yang 鄭誌元 Zhi Yuan Cheng
美術 Art Director: 元述 Shu Yuan
美術執行Assistant Art Director: 莊翰(火腿)Han Chuang
機器手臂 Crane: 力榮影業有限公司 Lee Rong Film & TV Equipment Co./ 張崇峰 Chong Fong Chang 吳東陽 Dong Yang Wu 涂健旭 Chien Hsu Tu
場務 Grip: 林龍輝 Lung Hui Lin 高銘均 Ming Chun Kao 韓子翔 Zi Hsiang Han
攝影器材 Camera Equipment: 用力拍電影有限公司 TOGO Film Ltd.
燈光器材 Lighting Equipment: 中影股份有限公司 Central Pictures Corporation
舞台燈光效果 Stage lighting Equipment: 汎思特創設實業社 Vaste Creative Design Enterprise Co.
後期特效 VFX: dosomething studio
3D動畫 3D Artist: 蔡述文Martin Tsai
調光 Colour Grading: 捌零後媒體製作股份有限公司 After 80’s Media/ 邱程勇 CY Chiu, 林虹君 HC Lin, 陳語謙 Yu Chien Chen
剪接 Editing: 曾忠嶽 Jason M Tseng 林婷婷 Ting Ting Lin 葉咏真 Joelle Yeh, 李盛業 Frank Lee
聲音設計 Sound Design: 聽聽海波浪有限公司 HYPERLUNG Studio
作曲 Composer: 彭郁哲 Pongo Peng
造型設計 Stylist: Makoto Chang Hwai Chang
髮型指導 Lead Hair stylist 林威仲 Weic Lin
髮型設計 Hair Stylist 黃打 @dirty44 沈紀葶 Miley shen 許芳芸Rachel Hsu 黃靖文Jingwen Huang
化妝指導 Makeup Artist 黃俊樺 Chun Hua Huang
化妝設計 Makeup Artist: 鄭淑貞 Kris Sokcheng Cheang 謝伊婷Eting Xie
演出 Model: SHIRO 張塏岳 黃信助 吳珝陽 吳啓弘 陳佑 徐瑋澤 李制益 王子齊 王騰毅 廖彥龍 李竸