NEXT to YOU 開啟你的將來
對將來銀行來說,唯有與客戶間,取得對等的互動,才能提供客戶餘韻,開創生活中的更多可能性。所以在 Logo 的設計上,除了取自將來銀行 Next Bank 的 N 字頭外,延續著「生活中的隊友」一詞,將對話框的「」線條,轉化成兩條、具有對話能力的主體,透過兩個線段在識別影片中的表演,詮釋這個富有動態張力的 Logo,同時象徵著不同以往的銀行產業特色,從銀行與客人的平等對話開始。
We wanted to portray Next Bank as a bank that treats all its customers with the same care and attention by simplifying the cumbersomeness of traditional banking with simple and easy to use online services. Incorporating that concept into the Logo design, we took the N from the prefix of Next Bank and the “「」" symbol with the idea of "teammate in life” as the central theme. The dual parts of the logo are animated in dynamic tension in a promotional film, symbolizing the different characteristics of the banking industry breaking from the past and moving into a future where the bank acts like teammates for their customers.

和將來銀行一起探索生活 Teammates for life's exploration
We created an image for Next Bank’s online presence that is in line with the brand’s “teammates” approach. Whether it’s a brand identity video, wording on the social platform or other type of promotional material, this approach sets it apart from the competition. For young people who are unfamiliar with the banking business, the obstacles usually associated with traditional financial services are made easier and more approachable. The brand identity we created for Next Bank is bound to be integrated into future digital products.

Agency / dosomething studio
Branding Consultant / Phanlanx Creative & Design
Visual Identity / Joefang Studio
Creative Director / Cowper Wang
Project Manager / Jessi Ni、Wei-hsi Lee
Motion Director / 曾忠嶽
Motion Design / LAWA、林聖惇、詹宜菁
Branding Consultant / Phanlanx Creative & Design
Visual Identity / Joefang Studio
Creative Director / Cowper Wang
Project Manager / Jessi Ni、Wei-hsi Lee
Motion Director / 曾忠嶽
Motion Design / LAWA、林聖惇、詹宜菁
Music & Sound Design/ 彭郁哲 (Hyperlung Studio)
Web Designer / JiaYu Lu、 Anzo Chen
Web illustrator / KC LIAO
Web illustrator / KC LIAO
Front-end / Webber Wu、John Yu