第54屆金馬獎 視覺設計
Visual Design for the 54th Golden Horse Award
Visual Design for the 54th Golden Horse Award
Remembering how the images swayed with the canvas screen with the breeze in the drive-in cinema from my childhood, as if reflecting the movements of the shadows and beams from the film, we hereby present The Living Canvas, and embark on a journey through time.
Remembering how the images swayed with the canvas screen with the breeze in the drive-in cinema from my childhood, as if reflecting the movements of the shadows and beams from the film, we hereby present The Living Canvas, and embark on a journey through time.
標準字「54」利用抽象線條的方式詮釋布的姿態,表現出兼具理性、感性、狂放及優雅的多元性。海報則與時逢上映20週年的《春光乍洩(Happy Together)》致敬,呼應本屆主題「樂」。
‘54’ is rendered in standard font. We convey the movement of the canvas through abstract lines, depicting a myriad of diverse themes including sense, sensibility, wildness, and elegance. On the other hand, the poster is an ode to Happy Together, celebrating its 20th anniversary while corresponding to this year’s theme of ‘Happiness.’
We enter different films with the tugging and weaving of the canvas frames, transporting us to old-time classics, contemporary films, and the future ahead. Finally, the fabric is warmed by the light and morphs into a brand-new, unique story. The nominated films are depicted by different forms of fabrics, symbolizing different movie genres and works. Moreover, classic movie scenes are also rendered on-site, leading the audience on a trip down memory lane.
We enter different films with the tugging and weaving of the canvas frames, transporting us to old-time classics, contemporary films, and the future ahead. Finally, the fabric is warmed by the light and morphs into a brand-new, unique story. The nominated films are depicted by different forms of fabrics, symbolizing different movie genres and works. Moreover, classic movie scenes are also rendered on-site, leading the audience on a trip down memory lane.
第54屆金馬獎 雙視覺海報

第54屆金馬獎 頒獎典禮 - 片頭

第54屆 金馬典禮 - 入圍影片 ( 00:30~ )

典禮視覺總監 | 方序中
執行創意總監 | 王宗欣
形象影片導演 | 方序中. 王宗欣. 吳仲倫
動態設計製作 | dosomething studio
動畫導演 | 王宗欣
3D動畫 | 王宗欣. 吳怡蒨. 黃婷鈺
2D動畫 | 陳婷安
視覺設計 | 方序中. 吳建龍 (究方社)
音樂創作 / 演奏 | 盧凱彤 Ellen Loo
混音 | 蔡德才(人山人海)
靈感取材自 Cucurrucucu Paloma (曲 Tomas Mendez)
製片 | 鄭心愷
攝影 | 吳仲倫
攝影大助 | 賴吉弘
執行製片 | 邱昱凱
製片助理 | 顏燁龍
場務 | 高銘均
攝影器材 | 蜻蝏製作傳播有限公司
攝助 | 賴忠毅. 蔡東勳. 馮景挺
側拍影像 | 蔡秉孝. 吳昭晨
側拍器材 | 梅花鹿影業股份有限公司
製作協力 | 曾宗嶽. 林永杰. 吳立翔
場地協力 | 國立台灣師範大學附屬高級中學. 米尼旅店. 圓山大飯店. 台北市影視音實驗教育機構. 台北市電影委員會. 艋舺清水巖祖師廟
視覺取材電影《春光乍洩》劇照由春光映画提供 版權所有不得轉載