典禮視覺統籌 方序中(究方社)
Production dosomething studio
Creative Director 王宗欣
Producer 曾忠嶽
Director 曾忠嶽
Art Director 王宗欣
Creator dosomething studio
Post-Production Director 王宗欣
Motion Designer 陳婷安
Editing 吳怡蒨 黃婷鈺
Color Grading 吳怡蒨 黃婷鈺
Graphic Deisgner 方序中 吳建龍(究方社)
Music 楊智安
Projection Designer 王宗欣 / 狹縫中的連續微觀
Programmer 杜耿豪 / 狹縫中的連續微觀
Laser Projection Designer 施惟捷
Stage Lighting Designer 周大為 林聖至 (電腦臉Computerface)
Line Producer 劉玠佑 李光哲(二日影像 twodayfilm)
Director of Photography 吳仲倫 (尖蚪映畫)
1st Assistant Camera 賴吉宏 (貓爪影像)
Gaffer 陳賢元
Gaffer Assistant 石振廷
Production Assistant 黃新銘 徐宥勝
Script Supervisor 吳怡蒨
Projection Coordinator 陳信佑
Stylist 黃聖淵 (伊斯山造型 It’s SAM)
Dancer 王柏年
Dancer 許博涵
典禮視覺統籌 方序中(究方社)
Production dosomething studio
Creative Director 王宗欣
Producer 曾忠嶽
Director 曾忠嶽
Art Director 王宗欣
Creator dosomething studio
Post-Production Director 王宗欣
Motion Designer 陳婷安
Editing 吳怡蒨 黃婷鈺
Color Grading 吳怡蒨 黃婷鈺
Graphic Deisgner 方序中 吳建龍(究方社)
Music 楊智安
Projection Designer 王宗欣 / 狹縫中的連續微觀
Programmer 杜耿豪 / 狹縫中的連續微觀
Laser Projection Designer 施惟捷
Stage Lighting Designer 周大為 林聖至 (電腦臉Computerface)
Line Producer 劉玠佑 李光哲(二日影像 twodayfilm)
Director of Photography 吳仲倫 (尖蚪映畫)
1st Assistant Camera 賴吉宏 (貓爪影像)
Gaffer 陳賢元
Gaffer Assistant 石振廷
Production Assistant 黃新銘 徐宥勝
Script Supervisor 吳怡蒨
Projection Coordinator 陳信佑
Stylist 黃聖淵 (伊斯山造型 It’s SAM)
Dancer 王柏年
Dancer 許博涵
This is a montage of on-air design elements for the 51st Golden Bell Awards Ceremony, an annual national award celebrating the outstanding achievements and best talents in broadcast industry. We developed the creative concept; in which different type of lights represent various type of shows and talents in the industry, and took the concept into executions. In result, we created a series of visuals and one commercial film for the event.

We designed a set of choreography and multiple real time interactive installations, in which dancers may interact with different kind of ray (laser beams, light projection, stage lighting, LED) via Kinect.

In some specific sequences (prelude of presenting Best Itinerant Programme and Best Educational and Cultural Program), we would like to pay tribute to Carlo Bernardini's work in 2002 by designing the precise mapping of laser beam reflections.